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CDW-Trained-Logo_FINAL-WEB.jpgThe American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) has published a standard guide to performing Property Condition Assessments (PCA). We have been trained on the ASTM E2018 standard and use it as a baseline to perform PCAs of commercial buildings. We can work with Clients to determine the scope of the inspection depending on their requirements and the age, occupancy, and type of building. This includes anything from performing a general visual examination of the property to a comprehensive inspection of all technical components of the building using a team of specialists.

Information and photographs from these sources are included in the inspection report. The report provides recommendations for remedying major deficiencies, updating major components, and undertaking further detailed investigation, if required, and the timing associated with those recommendations. We can also include in the report approximate costs for items requiring attention in the short, medium, and long term.

A commercial property assessment includes:

  • Site characteristics (paving, landscaping and utilities)
  • Structural frame and building envelope
  • Mechanical and electrical systems
  • Plumbing systems
  • Heating systems
  • Air conditioning and ventilation systems
  • Interior elements
  • Environmental assessments (optional)
  • Document review (optional)
  • Probable cost opinions (optional)

Based on project size we will consider conducting inspections anywhere within BC. Give us a call today!